NOT-4: Joãozinho Morgado & Gebrüder Teichmann Morgadinho Remix (vinyl and digital)

When Mano asked Gebrüder Teichmann to do a remix for Joãozinho Morgado, the King of Drums (O Rei dos Tambores) the two brothers couldn´t get more excited:
Starting from a love for dirty fast Kuduro beats those two pale potatoes, who spent years in dark Berlin basement underground clubs have been infected by energetic Angolan rhythms.
During their stays and musical collaborations in Luanda, they soon found Semba, Kazukuta, Kilapanga, Rumba and Merengue and all that fantastic musicians and music of the 60´s and 70´s golden age of Angolan music.

NOT-3: Wura Samba & Gebrüder Teichmann – Gudugudu EP

The trio combines the energy of Wura Sambas Yoruba drumming and chants with jacking raw analogue live electronic, live sampling and processing by Gebrüder Teichmann. Together they create an energetic trip full of playfulness, improvisation and direct communication in order to dance.
The Nigerian Yoruba percussionist and singer Wura Samba and Berlins electronic multitalents Gebrüder Teichmann met in Lagos, Nigeria through the TEN CITIES Project, where they were producing music together with Bristols Pinch, Rob Smith and Perera Elsewhere. After their debut on Soundway Records (V.A. – Ten Cities) and the „2 Cities / Berlin – Lagos“ EP on NOLAND they have started performing as a trio right before the pandemic. Their new EP GUDUGUDU features two tracks of their live sets: Iba Eledua by Wura Samba and an interpetation of Eniyan Biaparo by Tunji Oyelano. Available on vinyl and digital. Distributed by WAS Wordandsound

NO11: rPH and Kins of Spade: Hope/Currency

“Hope/Currency” is a collaboration between rPH, electronic music producer/Dj and poet/spoken word artist Kins of Spade, both from Nairobi, Kenya. The project is a comment on Kenya’s evangelical Christian culture, a force that exerts immense influence on the society and one that they have both experienced quite intimately, having grown up in religious families. Sampling publicly available utterances by popular evangelical figures as well as some bizarre but increasingly outspoken characters from the more extreme fringes of the church, the duo add critical, forthright words by Kins and gritty, off-beat production by rPh to make their statement

The result is a 5-track compilation covering the subjects of personality cults, sexual and financial exploitation, political ambition and power. It is set for digital-only release in May 2023 by the Berlin-based independent label Noland ( The team has released two previous works by rPH under his original moniker Dj Raph, his full-length debut album (digital, CD and vinyl) and Citysynthesis
(digital only), an experimental project in collaboration with sound artist Sophia Bauer.

NO9: Robyn Schulkowsky & Gebrüder Teichmann – Time Bends is out!

Time Bends is out on double vinyl gatefold on 29.07.2022 and digital from 15.07.2022. Robyn Schulkowsky: Percussion, Gebrüder Teichmann: Live Electronic, Processing. Produced by Joey Baron. Recorded by Adrian von Ripka, Linernotes by Roland Schimmelpfennig, Artwork by Brenda Alamilla, founded with help of Initiative Musik.
Direct order via:

NO10: Sounds Of Survival from Ukrainian Underground

We decided to give out this compilation under Bandcamp’s “payment what you want” model“, but ask you to donate directly to support humanitarian help for the people in Ukraine. Here you can find possible foundraising NGOs:
All money from the bandcamp sales goes directly to SKP Records collective, to support the artists and their families. 

Being an underground artist in Ukraine has never been an easy path to choose. This war is not only an attack on their lives, but on their passionate existence as musicians. 
In the last couple of days we have coordinated this compilation with a sense of the urgency of the circumstances, and the direct need it has created. 
Our friend Dubmasta, who is based in Kyiv was collecting tracks from friends of the local scene, around the SKP records collective. 
Consistent online access has been a major stumbling block, and communication of all kinds frustrating and complicated. We, sitting here in Berlin, get worried, whenever we don´t get a response. Foa Hoka´s singer Dmytro Kurovskiy wrote that he is sitting in a basement in Chernihiv in the dark, while constant airstrikes hit the city. A rocket exploded close to his studio. the windows got crashed, but synthesizers and equipment, thankfully for the time being, have survived the most recent attacks, as has he.  Still under these circumstances, against all odds, Dmytro managed to send material and photos. 

This compilation wouldn´t have been possible without Serge Dubrovskiy AKA Dubmasta, Oleksiy Mikrykov AKA King Imagine (Kyiv) and Dmytro Kurovskiy (Chernihiv) in Ukraine. Many thanks to Helmut Erler for providing the mastering and Brenda Alamilla for the artwork. With love from NOLAND, Andi & Hannes 

With love from NOLAND, 
Andi & Hannes 

Ця збірка хоче надати видимості друзям-музикантам в Україні. Бути андеграундним артистом в Україні ніколи не було легким шляхом. Ця війна є нападом не лише на їхнє життя, а й на їхнє пристрасне існування як музикантів. Останні кілька днів ми координували цю компіляцію. Наш друг Дабмаста, який живе в Києві, збирав треки від друзів місцевої сцени, навколо колективу SKP Records. Інтернет був поганий, зв’язок теж складний. Ми хвилюємося, коли ми не отримуємо відповіді. 

Співак та музикант гурту Foa Hoka Дмитро Куровський написав, що сидить у підвалі у Чернігові в темряві, при постійних авіаударах по місту. Біля його студії вибухнула ракета, вікна розбилися, але синтезатори та обладнання можна було врятувати на даний момент. І все ж за цих обставин Дмитру вдалося надіслати матеріал і фотографії. 

Ми вирішили роздати цю збірку безкоштовно, але просимо вас пожертвувати безпосередньо на підтримку гуманітарної допомоги людям в Україні. Тут ви можете знайти можливі громадські організації, які збирають фонди:
Усі гроші від продажу на бендкемпі надходять безпосередньо колективу SKP Records, підтримати артистів та їхні родини. 
Ця компіляція була б неможлива без Сержа Дубровського він же Дабмаста, Олексія Мікрюкова він же Кінг Iмеджин (Київ) та Дмитра Куровського (Чернігів) в Україні. Велика подяка Гельмуту Ерлеру за майстерінг та Бренді Аламіллі за ілюстрацію. З любов’ю від NOLAND, Енді і Ханнес. 

NO7: We Unite To Heal Our Souls! out now

We are sharing the piece out of solidarity and respect for each other.
All income goes to the Shipibo-Conibo Community to help to provide basic medical care in the fight against Corona.
While the situation in other parts of the world is stabilizing, the people in Ucayali are left to fend for themselves.
Some years ago Rawa Munoz and Andi recorded this song together in Peru. Rawa is a singer and artist and part of the Shipibo-Conibo community in the Amazon area of Ucayali.
Our old friend Acid Pauli surprised us with these wonderful remixes.
The piece is an ikaro, a traditional healing song, framed with electronic interactions. The icaro is part of an ancient tradition that the Amazonian Shipibo Konibo communities use in the ceremonies, as part of a healing ritual. This song is a sacred vibration, a song that carries a message of love that unites, cheers and heals our bodies and souls.

We are happy to receive donations, feedback and kindly ask you to spread the word about the song and the call for donations.

Mastering contributed by Helmut Erler, Berlin
Cover Painting: Rawa Muñoz
Coordination Peru: Vicho Castillo
Coordination Germany: Noland, Gebrüder Teichmann
In Association with Asociación Civil Despensa Amazónica

NO8: Citysynthesis – out on 28.05.21

CITYSYNTHESIS is a project by DJ Raph and Sophia Bauer, exploring real and imagined soundscapes of the city they have in common, Nairobi.


DJ Raph is an electronic music producer/DJ. An old head in the city’s underground scene, he is constantly testing the boundaries of what’s acceptable on the dancefloor or in a mix. Sophia Bauer is a sound artist based in Cologne. She often creates installations with extensive, imaginative soundscapes exploring places and ideas wondering if sound can be a source of knowledge in and of itself. Their archive project won the Sound of the Year Award 2020 in the category Sound Innovator.

The Fieldlines Documentary is online

‚Fieldlines‘ was an inter-traditional and inter-generational musical collaboration, that took place in Radjasthan, India as part of the Magnetic Fields Festival in December 2019.
Fieldlines‘ was made possible with a Goethe-Institut Coproduction Fund grant and collaboration between Magnetic Fields Festival, Gebrüder Teichmann and their label Noland.
The residency featured folk musicians Hakim Khan, Kultla Khan, Firoz Khan and folk singer Sumitra Devi alongside German producers and cultural activists Gebrüder Teichmann & their dad Uli, Kolkata-based sound artist Bidisha Das and translator Akshatha Shetty.